Is the Global Chip Shortage Affecting Deliveries of Copiers and Computers?

Everyone has heard the stories in the news of car lots that are empty because there is a shortage of semiconductor chips. Is the global chip shortage going to affect deliveries of copiers and computers? The answer to that question is a resounding…YES! Millions of businesses and manufacturers are being affected and the problem is only being compounded as manufacturers fall behind delivery of ordered products. The need for semiconductors is needed for all types of technology to include but not limited to computers, cars, televisions, toothbrushes, refrigerators, copiers, printers and washers & dryers. These chips now lurk beneath the hood of a surprising number of products.
Not only are the lack of chips causing problems but manufacturers are having problems finding shipping containers. If the product can be shipped then labor shortages in ports are hindering the unloading of the products, followed closely by transportation problems in the trucking industry.
Century Business Products and Catalyst IT wanted to bring this to your attention, because the lead times for computer technology and copiers have gone from 6-8 weeks at the beginning of this problem to months. Product delivery is happening but as your mother use to say, “patience is a virtue.”
For more information on pre-ordering your office technology products, contact Century Business Products by going to the contact us page or calling 800-529-1950 and for Catalyst IT submit using the contact us page or calling 877-843-9611. Together we are “Powering Business Technology!”